Saturday, October 15, 2011

FHE based on the Family

Hello Everyone!

My name is Shayna Lunt and this is my beautiful family. My husband is Harris and we have been married just over 3 years. We have two adorable girls, Hailee (age 2) and McKenzie (age 10 months). As you can see, family is very important to us and that is what inspired me for the idea of this blog.

The Lunt Family 2011
McKenzie Sariah, age 10 months
Hailee Rebekah, age 2

The whole purpose behind this blog and it's emphasis on The Family: A Proclamation to the World  in Family Home Evening Lessons (FHE), is because of our two little ones. My mother and I were converts to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and with just the two of us we never really had regular FHE. I have always loved the importance the Church has placed on families, and I wanted to be able to start teaching my children the principles of the gospel and the divine roles that each of us have as taught in the Proclamation.
All of the lessons on this blog will be age appropriate for families with younger children, while still teaching the fundamental principles taught in the Proclamation.

I have a testimony of Forever Families. When I was a young girl, the first I had ever heard about the church was when we drove past the Salt Lake City Temple and a friend said that that was the place that families could be together forever. This simple truth became the foundation to ever growing testimony. As husbands, and wives, fathers and mothers, we have a divine role to work as equal partners in raising a family in the gospel. For fathers of protect and preside, while helping care for the children, and for mothers to nurture and rear the children in the way of the Lord and to support her husband in his priesthood duties.
Before coming to this world, everyone of us chose to accpet Heavenly Father's plan "by which His children could obtain a physical body and gain earthly experience to progress toward perfection and ultimately realize his or her divine destiny as an heir of eternal life" (The Family: A Proclamation to the World). This divine plan  enables family relationships to be perpetuated beyond the grave.
We were apart of a family where coming to this earth to have bodies of our own and to create families of our own was anxiously anticipated. After coming to this earth, we are born into families, adopted into families, and are given the opportunity to have and raise families of our own. When we have fulfilled our duties in this life, we will be united forever in the bonds made in the Lords house kneeling across the altar.
I have a testimony that eternal families can be achieved when they are built and strengthened upon the Lord Jesus Christ. Successful marriages and families rely on the principles of faith, prayer, repentance, forgiveness, respect, love, compassion, work, and wholesome recreational activities. It is our duty to testify of these things to the World as Satan has declared war on the Family.
I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.