The Family: A Proclamation to the World

What You'll Need

 Scriptures, enough Popsicle sticks as there are members of your family plus one extra, GAK 520: Gordon B. Hinckley, a copy of The Family: A Proclamation to the World (you can print one here), printed activity, scissors, glue stick, pen, coloring tools.


Ezra Taft Benson
 "Thank God for the joys of family life. I have often said there can be no genuine happiness separate and apart from a good home. The sweetest influences and associations of life are there."


1. I have a fam’ly here on earth.
They are so good to me.
I want to share my life with them through all eternity.

Fam’lies can be together forever
Through Heav’nly Father’s plan.
I always want to be with my own family,
And the Lord has shown me how I can.
The Lord has shown me how I can.

2. While I am in my early years,
I’ll prepare most carefully,
So I can marry in God’s temple for eternity.


1. Ask your family:
- How many people are in our family?
- Where does our family live?
- What do you like doing with our family?
- How do you feel about our family?

2. Show the Picture of Gordon B. Hinckley

In 1995, President Gordon B. Hinckley was the Prophet of our church.  He introduced a special message called “The Family: A Proclamation to the World”.

Gorodn B. Hinckley said:
"Why do we have this proclamation on the family now? Because the family is under attack. All across the world families are falling apart. The place to begin to improve society is in the home. Children do, for the most part, what they are taught. We are trying to make th world better by making the family stronger."

3.  Show a copy of The Family: A Proclamation to the World

4.  The Proclamation on the family teaches us about our life before we came to earth.  It tells us more about our Heavenly Father's plan for us and how we can be truly happy.  I wanted to share a very important part of the Proclamation.  It says that “the family is central to the Creator’s plan for the eternal destiny of His children.” Heavenly Father planned for you to come to earth and belong to a family. He knew that you needed a loving family to help you grow and learn how to return to Him someday. 

We want our family to be strong so we can grow together, help and love each other and so we can live together someday with Heavenly Father. 

5. Object Lesson: Hold up one Popsicle stick. Ask your oldest child to break it. (They should be able to snap it in two. If your oldest child is not strong enough you might want to ask an adult to do it.)

Now hand the same person the bundle of Popsicle sticks and ask them to break them, holding them all together in a bundle. (It cannot be broken.)

We are Just like these Popsicle sticks. When one person stands alone, they are not very strong. But when we all stick together we are very strong and nothing can break us apart.

6.  In our activity today we are going to talk about ways that we can work together to strengthen our family.

Bear your testimony about the truthfulness of the Proclamation to the World and the importance of families.  Express your love for each member of your family and testify that each of them has special talents that contribute to your family and makes it strong.


Choose from the following activities as they best suit your family.

1-  Building a Successful Family goal chart

 2-  Coloring Page
3- Play Mother, May I?


Eat Your Worms!

Worms are delicious — when they're our bookworms made from crispy rice and marshmallows. Make a batch for Read Across America Day (March 2), and your child can sink her teeth into a treat while devouring a good book.
  • crispy rice cereal treats
  • butter
  • fruit leather
  • plastic wrap
  • googly eyes
  • pipe cleaner
  1. Whip up a batch of crispy rice cereal treats, using your favorite recipe.
  2. Using buttery hands, mold the rice mixture into worm shapes (ours are about 5 inches long).
  3. Add three strips of fruit leather to each worm, securing the overlapping ends of each strip with a dot of water.
  4. Wrap the worms in plastic wrap, then add two googly eyes.
  5. Loop a pipe cleaner around the worm's neck and twist it together at the top. Curl the ends into antennae.